Who We Are
WORSHIP | Him Radically
SERVE | Others Wholeheartedly
ENRICH | Family Holistically
GROW | Up Spiritually
Growing & Going
Pursue Church exists to worship Him radically, serve others wholeheartedly, enrich family holistically, and to help others grow up spiritually. We believe in the truth of the Word of God, the power of the body of Christ, and the ability of believers to reach a lost world. Our goal is to be a home and a launchpad for helping people discover the life God created them to live out loud.
Vision & Compassion

M.Div. Church Planting & Evangelism
Born in Baton Rouge, La, and reared in Houston, TX, Wuan has a passion for multi-generational ministry. He comes with a solid ministry background, maturity, and administrative gifting from the Lord. Prior to relocating to Austin, TX, his development in ministry resulted from being a 25-year staff member and Youth & Young Adult pastor of Living Faith Christian Center in Baton Rouge, La — a 3500-member mega church for over two decades — where he was a noted community speaker and trainer of trainers. He also holds a Master of Divinity Degree with an emphasis in Church Planting & Evangelism, and first-hand training in family with his beautiful wife, Lakeisha, and four amazing children. Wuan also has recently published his first life group book and workbook series, ASPIRE TO GROW: NINE WAYS TO GROW INTO WHO GOD CREATED YOU TO BE. In all, he is well equipped to build and lead a multi-generational church in the great city of Austin, TX.
M.A., LPC-Associate
Wuan is married to Lakeisha, an amazing third-generation kingdom builder. In addition to her father and step-father being pastors, her grandfather was a local superintendent and overseer of pastors in a Tyler, TX assembly of churches. Under his leadership, several of Lakeisha’s family members served in ministry as pastors, missionaries, and directors of ministry. Along with faithfully serving alongside her husband in ministry, Lakeisha also has a passion of her own—helping others learn to win in the battlefield of the mind. Thus, she is passionately pursuing a critical component to the future success of the call she and her husband share—Christian Counseling. Currently, Lakeisha has a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and a Masters of Arts in Professional Counseling. She is looking forward to helping people not only find Christ but also discover their true potential in Christ as they discover themselves in the process.
Faithful Living
PURSUE AUSTIN stands as a beacon of light for Austin. We are a place of worship, service, family enrichment, and spiritual growth to all who join us. Our community is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love and our doors are open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their heart.
Nurture Each Other In Faith
Our call at Pursue Austin is to be compassionate and nurturing as we walk with Jesus. Through gospel, service, worship and missions, we bring God closer to our hearts and closer to the hearts of those around us. As a fellowship of believers, we have the honor of proclaiming the glory of Christ to one another in a loving and caring setting.
Our Statement Of Faith
As devoted members of Pursue Austin, we are constantly pursuing the calling to be fully devoted followers of Christ. To build a true heaven on Earth, we must pursue a life based on the teachings of the Bible, we must be passionate about prayer, and we must be grounded in spiritual accountability.
In this, we believe the Bible, specifically the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the central message of the Bible, and it has profound implications on the eternal destiny of mankind as well as his existence on earth.
The Power of the Gospel To Save and Restore
The Gospel message is simply that Jesus gave His life so that man might have a new life and walk in Him (John 3:16). It is the Good News that through Jesus we have been saved from the penalty of sin (justification), are being saved from the present power of sin (sanctification), and will be saved from the presence of sin (glorification). It not only answers the question of “how do I get to heaven” but also how do I live daily as a Christian. We do not move beyond the Gospel. Rather, we are informed, transformed, and conformed by it every day.
The Triune God
WE BELIEVE in the triune Spirit of God, that being God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father exists as Creator, creating man and the earth on which man is meant to rule and subdue. God the Son exists as Redeemer, who was sent to reconcile man to God after the fall. God the Holy Spirit exists as the working presence and power of God in the earth, working as Comforter, Counselor, and Communicator.
God’s Creation
WE BELIEVE that the Lord, God Almighty, who always was, is, and always will be, is the Creator of all things under the heavens and the earth. He created the earth from His Word as well as everything on earth apart from any process of evolution, except man, whom He created from the dust of the ground. Eve, his ordained help-meet was then fashioned from the side (rib) of man. In this God established the number of genders (male and female only) as well as the biblical family unit (man and woman only) where the man functions as husband as the representation of Christ, and the woman functions as wife as the representation of the Bride of Christ—the Church. Together they are commanded to bear seed after their image and likeness (male and female only) to fill the earth with worshippers of God until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The Word of God
WE BELIEVE that the incorruptible Word of God is trustworthy in its creation and is the final authority on man’s existence and his relation with the Lord. Thus every dilemma can and must be solved with the Word as the foundational source in order to be considered credible.
Jesus Christ
WE BELIEVE in the deity, virgin birth, perfect humanity, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only means of salvation from sin and the sole mediator between God and man.
The Holy Spirit
WE BELIEVE in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, through whose ministry believers today are regenerated, baptized into Christ and His body, indwelt, sealed, gifted, and empowered for service.
Local Church
WE BELIEVE that the local church is an assembly of believers baptized into the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by immersion, led and governed by pastors, and served by deacons, independent in fellowship with other churches of like faith and order. We believe that the local church is responsible to fulfill the Great Commission. It must observe the ordinances of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper; foster true fellowship, prayer, and worship; edify and equip other believers; and evangelize the world.
Christian Life and Liberty
WE BELIEVE that the Bible directs believers to a life of holiness requiring separation from worldliness and false teaching. We believe in the priesthood of all believers and that we have direct access to God apart from any mediator except Christ. We respect the God-given capacity of individual soul liberty through which each person will give an account for living by the dictates of his own conscience with respect to the authority of the Word of God. We believe in the separation of church and state, and that believers must fulfill biblical responsibilities to each.